Frequently Asked Questions

Product & Order Information

Are your products genuine?

All products that we sell and that are listed on our website have an official factory warranty. We guarantee 100% New and authentic and we give you a 100% money back guarantee. You don’t need to worry about this.

How to buy online from

Please make online purchases easily on our website. please find the product you want. Choose the quantity available and please checkout payment. If you are confused, please ask livechat or email us. We recommend that you place your order online, please learn it’s easy and efficient

How to check Order Status & History?

To check the status of your Order & Tracking Number please login to your account

Are all the products on the site available for sale?

All products that appear on the website are available for sale. Please don’t ask about this stock. as long as the product is listed on the website it means it’s still in stock. Including quantity.

What do I do if I entered an incorrect shipping address?

Please login to your account, and Edit your shipping or billing address Information.

Can I change an items after I've submitted it ?

Before passing 24 hours or packages shipped you may change the size, color of the product. Please email us or contact live chat. we will change it, no need to worry if something like this happens.

International Shipping

Do you ship internationally?

Yes. International shipping takes a Maximum of 1– 3 Weeks to USA, Europe & Asia. Also note, we will gladly ship internationally and provide you with the tracking information. Once the item(s) leaves our warehouse and the tracking was assigned the customer has to communicate with the courier for updates (certain restrictions apply). We try our best to meet and exceed customers expectations however when products are placed within the hands of courier service we have no control of the courier practices.

Is Buying On-Line Safe?

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Do you ship door to door service?

The shipping service we use will deliver your package directly to your home address. 1 Day after the package arrives at your airport, the courier will contact you to confirm.

When you ship after I pay?

When you ship after I pay? We will ship your package within 24-48 hours after receiving payment confirmation . We hope you can be patient because we have to arrange your package first. Please do not panic, anxiety or Double anxiety. If you have questions, please contact live chat. We will reply soon.

What country is the shipment from?

We work with several distributors or suppliers from various countries, If the product stock is available in our warehouse we will ship from Indonesia, Singapore and if the stock is not sufficient in the warehouse. We will contact partners from other countries to ship your package.

Do you provide a package loss guarantee?

We give a 100% money back guarantee if something goes wrong, for example, if you don’t receive the package within the specified time and receive a damaged, defective or incomplete package. We hope you don’t need to worry, we will monitor until the package arrives at your address.

What type of packaging do you use?

We provide the type of packaging from the box and coated with a little iron and wood. We can guarantee 100% of the packaging is very strong and neat.

So, you offer Free Customs Duty and Import Tax?

Once again we confirm that we provide Free Customs Duty and Import Tax, you don’t need to pay taxes in your country anymore. we have paid all the costs directly to the shipping company from here.

Do you provide tracking number ?

Of course ! We give you a tracking number. We will provide this information within 24 -48 hours (the longest) We will notify via email to you.

Where can I find my tracking information?

FedEx, UPS, DHL and EMS tracking numbers will be posted to your online account within 24 hours of being made available to us by the carrier. To view your tracking information you must sign into your account, then go to My Account > View Order Status > View Order Details. You will find tracking information there if it is available. Click the tracking number to be taken to the external tracking page. Various tracking number notifications will also be emailed to you. If you checked out as a guest, your tracking information will only be provided via email.

Return And Cancelation

How do I make a warranty claim?

We provide several options for you : visit local authorized outboard dealer in your local city or Please return to us, as the dealer where you purchased. as long as the warranty card is still valid we will give a warranty to you. all spare parts that are damaged or not functioning please submit to us. This process will take 14 days, send the damaged spare part and we will replace it with a new spare part.

I received the wrong item, So how?

If you receive an item that has the wrong size, color or is damaged, please tell us immediately. We will exchange the goods as soon as possible. You do not need to pay shipping costs, We will contact the courier representative in your country to pick up the item back. We will give you 2 choices: 1. Do you want to exchange with new items. 2. Do you want to cancel and receive 100% money back. Please discuss with us if this happens. and you don’t need to worry because we are still responsible.
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